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Communication has gone through deep changes in the last few years, following the introduction and increasing use of mobile digital technologies. New rules and models of interaction are constantly being developed and digital information has to meet certain criteria to reach a specific target.

Digital PR has to create strong links between influencers and opinion leaders within the industry, develop a wide range of contents and “be aware of” any new ideas that might be shared on the Internet.

It is absolutely paramount that objectives are clearly set out and specific strategies are adopted, planning all the relevant activities in connection with any other offline program if necessary.

The experience with Virgilio developed at the outset of the Internet boom in Italy helped generate a passion for the digital world, and the introduction of a digital-minded team prompted Doppia Elica to keep pace with the times.

Key elements of a digital PR strategy include:

Doppia Elica is therefore concerned with defining objectives and strategies in line with specific marketing objectives, target, messages to convey, actions and expected results. Any chosen strategy is then implemented within a specific timeframe and measurement parameters.

Our Digital PR services include: